Monday, September 22, 2008


We had a great night on the opening of the new work of Kenor, Gola & Pez.
Piggies with Wings from Dania.
One of our artists with his right arm casted for 2 months. How are yo going to paint?!!! We already have his paintings!!! lucky us.
Kids like art, too!!!! and had a great time at the show.
Maria & Pez Khamino. Maria is going back to NY, so come back soon to Barcelona.

Monix, Damia & Pia from welldone gallery

EL OSO!!!!.....our crazy Gola, had some fun getting out from the robot and started to BEARRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!

Veronique, Robert Burt, & Pez Khamino.

Margarita from Harte con Hache (link), check out her website for her current schedule of irreverent art classes being offered here at the gallery.Vero from Le Petit Salon (link), & Michael from Barcelona Miniguide (link)
Monix, Manolita GUAPA that she hang out with us till the end of the night!!!, and Kiki that is back from Menorca!!!!.Thanks everybody for coming and hanging out, that was a great showing of our new artists here at the gallery. This show will be up until the middle of October.

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