From Base Elements we want to thank to our artists
Pedro Cuevas, Andrea Noferini/Alter Krapp, PezKhamino and Kuke, for such an amazing performance, those nights are the soul of the gallery. And an amazing opportunity to see these artists painting, creating, performing, acting, ......and also a goodbye party to Pedro Cuevas who has been 3 weeks painting at the gallery and now is back to his hometown Buenos Aires...here are some of the pictures of such a great night. If you don't want miss another night like this join us throug facebook at "base elements" .

Pedro Cuevas

Andrea Noferini/ Alter Krapp


Starts the art performance, Kuke's body right now is a White Canvas, and the paintor prays to his muse to bring him the inspiration for a great art piece to be created.

Alter Krapp starts moving his arms, calling the energy to start creating!

PezKhamino with his Artist Head. They are all 3 monkeys ready to start the painting. Monkey See! Monkey DO!

The creation job has been produced, the muse Kuke has been transformed by the 3 artists, by the art energy.

Pedro see you soon at the gallery!!!!!!!
excelente performance!
me encantó
esquarao n° 1!
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